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[toggle title=”Where do I get my chamber music?” ]
Music has been provided electronically to all Advanced Suzuki Program participants. If you wish to purchase the music to have the complete parts for your library, it is available from these sources:
- Robertson Violins; 800 284.6546 www.robertsonviolins.com
- There is a wonderfully comprehensive website that provides free scores & parts to many chamber music pieces (legally): www.imslp.org
[toggle title=”Before the first rehearsal”]
A few chamber music basics that can make your chamber music experience more rewarding:
- If any of your music has single sheets, be sure that you tape them together or insert into a black three-ringed binder before arriving.
- Get a copy of the score and study it as you listen to a commercial recording.
follow the suggestions in Practice and Rehearsals
Use Score Study 101 as an example of how to mark your music - It is important that you are able to play your part at tempo prior to the first rehearsal.
- Getting help from your private teacher and marking fingerings and bowings in your part before you arrive at CSI is highly encouraged and very important.
- A good ‘test’ to see if you are properly prepared is to try and play through your part along with a professional recording of the assigned piece.
[toggle title=”Chamber Music Assignments 2017″]
Music links will be posted here in mid-May, 2017