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Applicants must submit the application and upload their video recording of a polished piece to YouTube by April 1. Music assignments are emailed in early May.
Instructions for uploading audition to YouTube
[button href=”https://coloradosuzuki.org/?p=2230″ style=”emboss” size=”medium” color=”#b30f0d” hovercolor=”#891210″ textcolor=”#ffffff” texthovercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”pencil-square-o”]Chamber Music Ensemble Placement Audition Form[/button]
Although it may not look challenging to you compared to your current solo repertoire, the challenging work comes in putting the ensemble together!
Below we’ve listed some expectations and suggestions for preparing your part prior to the start of Institute:
Obtain a professional recording of the piece you are playing and assimilate this recording into your daily Suzuki listening.
Listen to the professional recording 5 times in a row.
The first time you listen follow along with your own part.
The second through fourth times, follow along while watching the other three parts on the score. Follow the score with your finger to make sure you are actively listening and watching the music.
The last time, listen to the recording while watching the score, listen carefully and try to follow who has the melody. Follow along in the score with your eyes/finger.
It is expected and important that you prepare the notes, rhythms, bowings, fingerings, etc. before you come to Institute. A good ‘test’ to see if you are properly prepared is to try and play through your part along with a professional recording of the assigned piece.
Getting help from your private teacher is highly encouraged and very important.
Prepare your personal part by marking in score study notes (see “Score Study 101”)