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Solo Honors Recital applications must be received by April 10, 2017.

Late auditions will not be accepted. Only YouTube video format will be accepted; audio or video discs are not accepted.

There is a $15 non-refundable application fee for all Honors Recitals.

All students applying will be notified by email on April 30, 2017, and students who are chosen to perform will be assigned a day for their performance. (Great care is given to programming recitals; changes of performance days are not possible.)

Regardless of your day of performance, all rehearsals with the CSI pianist (if needed) will be between 12 noon and 2 PM on Monday, June 12th or 19th, depending upon which session you perform.

There is an instructional meeting for all soloists on the Monday of your session from 2:15 – 2:45 pm in the Vilar Center on the Stage. This meeting is mandatory for participation at the Solo Honors Recital, even if you are not using our staff accompanist.   If you are not able to attend the solo recital meeting and your technical rehearsal we recommend that you do not apply.  Plan your travels carefully. 

[wufoo username=”csicroc” class=”wufoo_form” formhash=”z22g56a15u18du” autoresize=”true” height=”871″ header=”show” ssl=”true”]

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YouTube Video Audition and Submission Directions

  • The home private teacher must view the recording and sign that they have approved the audition before the application form is sent to us. Plan your timing to allow the teacher to view recording at least 1 week before the deadline.
  • Preference is given to shorter pieces so that more students can perform. Very strong preference is given to pieces from the Suzuki repertoire.
  • Include only 1 piece per audition. Different instruments are heard by different people.
  • Please record solo performances only. Do NOT record a group performance with an attached note telling which one is your child. NO costumes, clown hats, etc.—they distort the performer’s appearance.


  • Make sure the camera shows full view of the student’s body posture and clear view of their hands and instrument.
  • Use a tripod if at all possible for a steady video quality
  • Observe sounds in the background. Distracting noises such as a dog barking or a siren blaring make it difficult to hear the tone of the musician!
  • Check the quality of sound of the recording equipment. Make sure it accurately depicts the good tone and intonation of the student for a more successful entry.
  • View the light contrast. Check that the performer is not standing as a silhouette against a bright light or a window. Darker backgrounds provide a better contrast. Make sure the soloist can be seen, including hands!


  • Preview the recording via YouTube using the URL address you have copy/pasted into the application form. Check for these criteria:
    Is there sound?
    Is there a picture?
    Are the notes & rhythms correct?
    Is the solo played without stopping?
  • Submit the audition form making sure to include the YouTube video address so that it is received by the deadline April 10, 2016.
  • Late auditions are not accepted.
