Each summer the Colorado Suzuki Institute awards scholarships to many of our participants. In 2017 we awarded over $20,000 in work/study scholarships. But even this amount is not enough to meet the need. Each year we turn away many dedicated students because we cannot offer them financial assistance. They need our help. Your gift can help us assist more deserving young musicians. Please use the form below to make your donation.
Currently our scholarship fund is funded by these five programs:
- Donations
- Silent Auction
- Silent Auction Express
- T-Shirt Sales
- Memorial & Tribute Funds – The Colorado Suzuki Institute accepts gifts in honor or memory of its alumni, past parents, grandparents and friends. When you make a tax-deductible memorial or tribute gift, we’ll send a note to the family of the person being honored or memorialized. It’s a thoughtful way to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
1) Donations -Even a small donation can make a big difference in a child’s musical life
2) Silent Auction -Are you ready for a new violin soon? Your entire cost can go to our scholarship fund if you are the top bidder on the Klaus von Aue violin with an Embassy case and carbon fiber bow donated by Robertson and Sons Violin Shop of Albuquerque! We have collected many items for our Scholarship Silent Auction this year. We are grateful for the many people who donate year after year.
Read the Daily Note newsletter for a full listing of items on the Silent Auction. Donations for the regular Silent Auction are for any tangible items such as CDs, books, jewelry, hand knitted mittens, etc. When filling out your donation form, please make sure to include a brief description of the item and list the value to help us determine the minimum bid amount. Silent Auction Form
3) Silent Auction Express -Donations for the Silent Auction Express are one-on-one experiences our faculty and staff donate that take place DURING the Institute. Donations are either Suzuki oriented or sharing a special non-musical skill. The key ingredient in these offerings is the special time spent with a teacher or staff member!
Examples of Silent Auction Express Auction Items
- 20-minute practice consultation
- 30-minute hike
- Dinner with a student and their family
- 30-minute Yoga or Stretching session, a knitting lesson, etc.
- Other special talents faculty would like to share!
4) T-shirts! -All proceeds from sales at the CSI T-shirt booth go directly into the scholarship fund. Please support this fund!
- 100% Cotton
- Shirt Color: sapphire blue
- Silk-screened design
Win daily prizes in the “Find Suzuki at Copper Mountain” contest. Search the shirt to find the hidden words for answers to music trivia. In order to win you must own a CSI shirt. Grand Prize is $500 in ‘Suzuki Bucks’ applicable towards CSI 2020 Institute tuition. One grand prize is awarded in each session. Proceeds support the scholarship fund for students and teachers. To purchase t-shirts for 2019 Institute for the whole family click here!
5) Memorial and Tribute Funds -If you would like to set up a Memorial Fund or Tribute Fund please contact Mark and Leah Biesterfeld directly at or call (303) 476-4330 ext. #3.