Every Child Can!
ECC (8 course hours) – $165.00 click here to register
For teachers, ECC serves as the required first course in the Suzuki Association of the Americas Teacher Development Program. The ECC course must be completed BEFORE attending Book 1 training.
This course is an introduction to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy and its application to Suzuki education. For parents, teachers, perspective teachers and others, this new course provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the Suzuki approach to teaching and learning.
In addition to exploring the elements of the Suzuki approach and its far-reaching goals, the course includes an introduction to learning styles, history of the development of Suzuki education, the role of parents, the importance of Suzuki Pedagogical Training, and an overview of the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ role in supporting teachers and parents. A fast-paced, engaging and inspiring program, ECC includes new video materials and SAA developed courseware and provides each participant with useful reference materials for later study. In order to register the course with the SAA, a participant needs to attend all six hours. No refunds after June 1st. $50.00 cancellation fee prior to June 1st.
For more information about this course and further training through the Suzuki method, visit the Suzuki Association of the Americas website here.